My policy when it comes to designing websites is that they are ultimately yours and you should be able to use them. I think it is vital that you are able to add and change content as you see fit, create posts, as well as to swap any media on the site as you see fit.

In this article, I am going to give you five pointers which will allow you to manage your own website and get the most out of it. Not only will this help to impress your customers, but certain actions can also raise your Google search ranking.

If you want to discuss my web design service, call me today on 01501 797 061 or e-mail me at

Number One: Update Your Blog

A lot of people are adamant that I add a blog to their website which will allow them to make updates. While this can be a fantastic way of keeping your site fresh, an abandoned blog is never a good look for a company.

Number One: Update Your Blog

It is absolutely vital that you schedule in regular blog posts and commit to actually writing them. You don’t need to do it weekly, although that really is ideal. Once a fortnight or even once a month is enough to affect your Google ranking and look good for customers.

Number Two: Try and Source Your Own Images

Having uniquely shot photographs or custom-designed images for your website can give it an exceptional look. It shows that your business has really committed to making your site your own and can really reflect the image of your business.

Another thing to consider is that Google appreciates unique content when scanning your site. This goes for photos too, not just text. Using stock photos will not plummet your search ranking, but photos found only on your site will give your site more authority.

While we are on the topic of web images…

Number Three: Get Your Images Web-Ready

Not all pictures are ready to be posted directly on to the web. You need to prepare images and make them the right size.

The first thing to consider is that an image needs to be the right size in height and width. This will vary significantly depending on where you are placing the picture, but there is generally a standard size for any blog I build. This size is around 700 pixels in width, optimising the image for the web.

Another step you need to take is reducing the file size to the smallest it can be. Websites like Tiny PNG can help with this. Although the image will remain the same quality, its file size will be reduced which will make it load quicker on the internet.

Number Three: Get Your Images Web-Ready

Number 4: Writing Content for the Web

Creating content for the internet is a very different discipline from any other form of writing. The entire goal is to make the text as easy to read as possible for the reader as you want to encourage them to keep going.

One thing to consider is the idea that you want to start off with outlining a broad idea at the beginning of the text before expanding it out in the following paragraphs. Consider how I am writing in this section, in the first paragraph I gave the topic, and I am now expanding out the details.

Another thing that you might notice in the way I am writing this article is that I am not using huge blocks of texts. Every point is made in short paragraphs. This is not only easy to read, but it makes every idea into a bitesize section rather than an intimidating script.

Bullet points and lists are also a fantastic method of dividing text and breaking up blocks. It can offer a lot of information very quickly. This section can quickly be summarised as:

  • Employ a ‘reverse pyramid’ structure.
  • Avoid large blocks of texts.
  • Utilise lists and bullet points.

There are countless great guides out there to help you in your web writing adventure.

Give Me a Call!

At NJ Graphics I think that on top of creating a website that reflects your brand image as well as containing all of the functionality you need, any web designer should also hand over a product that you can use and add to yourself. After all, the website is yours.

Give me a call today on 01501 797 061 or fill in my contact form if you would like to discuss how I can help you to grow your business.